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Papers / issues from Earth-Science Reviews

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These are the original print versions (not printed on demand or photocopied) taken from the original journal issues.







Vol. 1 -1966



Stψrmer, L. - Concepts of stratigraphical classification and terminology. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 5-28, 3 fig. Extract without covers. €  4


Glaessner, M.F. - Precambrian palaeontology. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 29-50, 2 fig. Extract without covers. €  4


Currie, J.B. - Experimental structural geology. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 51-67, 2 fig. Extract without covers. €  3,50


Bεth, M. - Earthquake seismology. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 69-86, 7 fig. Extract without covers. €  4


Moore, D. - Deltaic sedimentation. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 87-104. Extract without covers. €  3,50


Emiliani, C. & J.D. Milliman - Deep-sea sediments and their geological record. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 105-132. Extract without covers. €  4,50


Scheidegger, A.E. - Recent advances in geodynamics. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 133-153. Extract without covers. €  3,50


Cook, E.F. - Paleovolcanology. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 155-174, 3 phot. Extract without covers. €  4


Wilson, R.L. - Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 175-212, 11 fig. Extract without covers. €  6


Donn, W.L. - Microseisms. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 213-230, 8 fig. Extract without covers. €  4


Fielder, G. - Astrogeology-lunar geology. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 231-243, 5 fig./phot. Extract without covers. €  3,50


Wanless, H.R. & J.R. Cannon - Late Paleozoic glaciation. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1-4; pp. 247-286, 3 fig./phot. Extract without covers. € 6


Fisher, R.V. - Rocks composed of volcanic fragments and their classification. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1-4; pp. 287-298, 2 fig. Extract without covers. € 3


Wanless, H.R. & J.R. Cannon - Late Paleozoic glaciation. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1-4; pp. 247-286, 3 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. €  4


Tazieff, H. - Volcano survey. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1-4; pp. 299-335. Extract without covers. € 5


Manten, A.A. - Microfossil-like objects in meteorites. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 1; pp. 337-341, 1 microphot. Extract without covers. €  3




Vol. 2 - 1966


Rast, N. - Recent trends in geotectonics. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 2-1; pp. 1-46, 11 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 6


Mackenzie, R,C, & B.D.Mitchell - Clay mineralogy. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 2-1; pp. 47-91, 1 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Walker, G.P.L. & R.R. Skelhorn - Some associations of acid and basic rocks. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 2-2; pp. 93-109, 2 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 3,50


Chinner, G.A. - The significance of the aluminium silicates in metamorphism. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 2-2; pp. 111-126, 4 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 3,50


Craig, G.Y. - Concepts in palaeoecology. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 2-2; pp. 127-155, 11 fig./phot. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Banner, F.T. & F.E. Eames - Recent progress in world-wide Tertiary stratigraphical correlation. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 2-2; pp. 157-179. Extract without covers, stapled. € 3


Harland, W.B. et al. - The definition and identification of tills and tillites. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 2-3; pp. 225-256, 3 fig. Complete journal issue, orig. wrps., very good. € 6,50


Manten, A.A. - Half a century of modern palynology / &/ Some current tends in palynology. - 1966. Earth-Science Reviews 2-4; pp. 277-316 & 317-343, 2 fig. In complete journal issue, very good. € 8



Vol. 3 - 1967


Bemmelen, R.W. van - The importnce of the geonomic dimensions for geodynamic concepts. - 1967. Earth-Science Reviews 3-2; pp. 79-110, 10 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 6


Moorbath, S. - Recent advances in the application and interpretation of radiometric age data. - 1967. Earth-Science Reviews 3-2; pp. 111-133, 1 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 4


Ager, D.V. - Brachiopod palaeoecology. - 1967. Earth-Science Reviews 3-3; pp. 157-179, 7 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Stone, R.O. - A desert glossary. - 1967. Earth-Science Reviews 3-4; pp. 211-268, 37 phot. Complete journal issue, orig. wrps., very good. € 10



Vol. 4 - 1968


Pasteels, P. - A comparison of methods in geochronology. - - 1968 Earth-Science Reviews 4; pp. 5-38, 4 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Zussman, J. - The crystal chemistry of pyroxenes and amphiboles, 1. Pyroxenes. - 1968 Earth-Science Reviews 4; pp. 39-67, 10 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


O'Hara, M.J. - The bearing of phase equilibria studies in synthetic and natural systems on the origin and evolution of basic and ultrabasic rocks. - - 1968 Earth-Science Reviews 4; pp. 69-133, 11 fig. Complete journal issue, orig. wrps. with libr. stamp. € 9


Dunoyer de Segonzac, G. - The birth and development of the concept of diagenesis (1866–1966). - - 1968 Earth-Science Reviews 4; pp. 153-201, 5 fig./tab. Orig. wrps., stapled. € 8,50


Rikitake, T. - Earthquake prediction. - - 1968 Earth-Science Reviews 4; pp. 245-282, 18 fig./phot. Orig. wrps., stapled. € 6,50

Tsuneji Rikitake


Arnold, C.A. - Current trends in paleobotany. - - 1968 Earth-Science Reviews 4; pp. 283-309, 1 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 4

Chester A. Arnold



Vol. 5 - 1969


Hospers, J. & S.I. van Andel - Palaeomagnetism and tectonics, a review. - Earth-Science Reviews 5; pp. 5-44, 8 fig. Orig. wrps., stapled. € 6,50


Hallam, A. - Tectonism and eustasy in the Jurassic. - Earth-Science Reviews 5; pp. 45-68, 9 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Guilcher, A. - Pleistocene and Holocene sea level changes. - 1969. Earth-Science Reviews 5-2; pp. 69-97, 7  fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Vokes, F.M. - A review of the metamorphism of sulphide deposits. - 1969. Earth-Science Reviews 5-2; pp. 99-143. Extract without covers. € 6


sold Schmus, W.R. van - The mineralogy and petrology of chondritic meteorites. - 1969. Earth-Science Reviews 5-3; pp. 145-184, 10 fig./phot. Orig. wrps. complete journal issue, very good. € 9

Allan, T.D. - A review of marine geomagnetism. - Earth-Science Reviews 5; pp. 217-254, 22 fig. Orig. wrps., stapled. € 6,50


Quaide, W.L. et al. - Geology of the Apollo landing sites. - 1969. Earth-Science Reviews 5-4; pp. 255-278, 8 fig./phot. Stapled extract. € 5




Vol. 6 - 1970



Alpan, I. - The geothechnical properties of soils. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6-1; pp. 5-49, 29 figs. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, complete journal issue, very good. € 8


Gould, Stephen Jay - Evolutionary paleontology and the science of form. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 77-119, 10 fig. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, complete journal issue, very good. € 10


Lliboutry, L.A. - Current trends in glaciology. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 141-167, 3 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Fagerlund, E. et al. - Physical studies of nature by thermal mapping. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 169-180, 14 fig./phot. Extract without covers, stapled. € 3,50


Manten, A.A. - Statistical analysis of a scientific discipline: palynology. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 181-218, 11 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 6,505


Debelmas, J. & M. Lemoine - The western alps: Palaeogeography and structure. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 221-256, 4 fig. Stapled extract. € 5


Middlemost, E.A.K. - Anorthosites: A graduated series. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 257-265. Extract without covers, stapled. € 3


Eysinga, F.W.B. van - Stratigraphic terminology and nomenclature; A guide for editors and authors. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 267-288, 3 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Brewer, R. & J.R. Sleeman - Some trends in pedology. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 297-335, illustr. Stapled extract. € 5


McBirney, A.R. - Some current aspects of volcanology. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 337-352. Stapled extract. € 3,50


Creer, K.M. - A review of palaeomagnetism. - 1970. Earth-Science Reviews 6; pp. 369-466, 18 fig. Orig. wrps., complete journal issue, very good. € 10



Vol. 7 - 1971


Moore, H.J. - Geologic interpretation of lunar data. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7; pp. 5-33, 12 fig./phot. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, stapled. € 6,50


Rikitake, T. - Electric conductivity anomaly in the Earth's crust and mantle. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7; pp. 35-65, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Smalley, I.J. - “In-situ” theories of loess formation and the significance of the calcium-carbonate content of loess. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7; pp. 67-85, illustr. Stapled extract. € 4


Lamb, H.H. - Climate-engineering schemes to meet a climatic emergency. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7; pp. 87-95, 4 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 3


Cummings, D. & G.I Shiller - Isopach map of the earth's crust. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7; 9 pp., 1 large fold-out with map. Extract without covers, stapled. € 4,50


Ollier, C.D. - Causes of spheroidal weathering. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7; pp. 127-141, 6 phot. Extract without covers. € 4


Katili, J.A. - A review of the geotectonic theories and tectonic maps of Indonesia. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7-3; pp. 143-163, 7  fig. Extract without covers. € 4


B.J. Mason - The global atmospheric research programme—a contribution to the numerical simulation and prediction of the global atmosphere. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7; pp. 165-186


sold Dawson, J.B.- Advances in kimberlite geology. - 1971. Earth-Science Reviews 7; pp. 187-214, 4 fig. Contains also: The problems of the geology of gold, pp. 215-225, by N.A. Shilo. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, complete journal issue, very good. € 7



Vol. 8 - 1972


Shepard, F.P. - Submarine canyons. - 1972. Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 1-12, 7 fig. Extract without covers. € 4


Cook, A.H. - The geoid. - 1972. Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 13-44, 10 fig. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, stapled. € 5

A.H. Cook


Charlesworth, H.A.K. (ed.) - The earth sciences in Canada. - 1972. Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 81-164, many fig./phot., 2 fold-out plts. with col. maps. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, stapled. € 10


sold Klein, C. - Lunar materials: Their mineralogy, petrology and chemistry. - 1972. Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 169-204, 15 fig./phot. Extract without covers, stapled. € 8


Siddans, A.W.B. - Slaty cleavage — a review of research since 1815. - 1972. Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 205-232, 22 fig./phot. Extract without covers, stapled. € 6


Usami, T. & Y. Sato - Theoretical seismograms — Introductory explanation and basic concept. - 1972. Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 291-301, 4 fig. Extract without covers. € 3


Moon, C.F - The microstructure of clay sediments. - Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 303-321, 7 fig./phot. Extract without covers. € 4


Hsό, K.J. - Origin of saline giants: A critical review after the discovery of the Mediterranean Evaporite. - 1972. Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 371-396, 7 fig. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


McRae, S.G. - Glauconite. - 1972. Earth-Science Reviews 8; pp. 397-440, 7 fig. Orig. wrps., with libr. stamp. € 6,50



Vol. 9 - 1973


Stehli, F.G. - Review of paleoclimate and continental drift. - 1973. Earth-Science Reviews 9; pp. 1-18, 9 fig. Extract without covers. € 4


Khattri, K. - Earthquake focal mechanism studies—A review. - 1973. Earth-Science Reviews 9; pp. Pages 19-63, 21 fig. Orig. wrps., with libr. stamp. € 6,50


Taylor, S.R. - Tektites. A post-Apollo view. - 1973. Earth-Science Reviews 9-2; pp. 101-123, 4 fig. Contains also: Cameron: History of the solar system, pp. 125-137, 2 fig. In complete journal issue, orig. wrps. with libr. stamp. € 7


Tappan, H. & A.R. Loeblich - Evolution of the oceanic plankton. - 1973. Earth-Science Reviews 9; pp. 207-240, 9 fig. Extract without covers. € 6


Moores, E.M. - Geotectonic significance of ultramafic rocks. - 1973. Earth-Science Reviews 9; pp. 241-258, 3 fig. Extract without covers. € 4

E.M. Moores


Scrutton, C.T. & R.G. Hipkin - Long-term changes in the rotation rate of the Earth. - 1973. Earth-Science Reviews 9; pp. 259-274. Extract without covers. € 3,50


Bowler, J.M. - Clay Dunes: Their occurrence, formation and environmental significance. - 1973. Earth-Science Reviews 9; pp. 315-338, 10 fig./phot. Extract without covers. € 5


Hofmann, H.J. - Stromatolites: Characteristics and utility. - 1973. Earth-Science Reviews 9; pp. 339-373, 12 fig./phot. Orig. wrps., with libr. stamp. € 6,50



Vol. 10 - 1974


Harrison, C.G.A. - The paleomagnetic record from deep-sea sediment cores. - 1974. Earth-Science Reviews 10; pp. 1-36, 16 fig. Extract without covers. € 5


Lewis, K.B. - The continental terrace. - 1974. Earth-Science Reviews 10; pp. 37-71, 5 fig. Extract without covers. € 5


Van der Voo, R. & R.B. French - Apparent polar wandering for the Atlantic-bordering continents: Late Carboniferous to Eocene. - 1974. Earth-Science Reviews 10; pp. 99-119, 6 fig. Extract without covers. € 5


Sakalowsky, P.P. - Theories of stream meander causation: a review and analysis. - 1974. Earth-Science Reviews 10; pp. 121-138, 7 fig. Extract without covers. € 4


Hails, J.R. - A review of some current trends in nearshore research. - Earth-Science Reviews 10; pp. 171-202, illustr. Extract without covers. € 4


Kraus, E.B. - Planetary waves. - 1974. Earth-Science Reviews 10; pp. 203-221, illustr. Extract without covers. € 4


Allen, J.R.L. - Reaction, relaxation and lag in natural sedimentary systems: General principles, examples and lessons. - 1974. Earth-Science Reviews 10; pp. 263-342, 30 fig. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, complete journal issue, very good. € 12



Vol. 11 - 1975


Ricardo M. Pytkowicz - Some trends in marine chemistry and geochemistry. - 1975. Earth-Science Reviews 11; pp. 1-46


Patrick J. Coleman - On island arcs. - 1975. Earth-Science Reviews 11; pp. 47-80


S. Warren Carey - The expanding earth — an essay review. - 1975. Earth-Science Reviews 11; pp. 105-143


R.M. Carter - A discussion and classification of subaqueous mass-transport with particular application to grain-flow, slurry-flow, and fluxoturbidites. - 1975. Earth-Science Reviews 11; pp. 145-177


sold Cowie, J.W. & M.F. Glaessner et al. - The Precambrian-Cambrian boundary: A symposium. - 1975. Earth-Science Reviews 11-3; pp. 209-251, 15 fig. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, complete journal issue, very good. € 8,50


David E. Fisher - Geoanalytic applications of particle tracks. - 1975. Earth-Science Reviews 11; pp. 291-335


Eric A.K. Middlemost - The basalt clan. - 1975. Earth-Science Reviews 11; pp. pp. 337-364



Vol. 12 - 1976


A. Streckeisen - To each plutonic rock its proper name. - 1976. Earth-Science Reviews 12; pp. 1-33


E. Irving, G. Pullaiah - Reversals of the geomagnetic field, magnetostratigraphy, and relative magnitude of paleosecular variation in the phanerozoic. - 1976. Earth-Science Reviews 12; pp. 35-64


Glaessner, M.F. (ed.) - The geosciences in Australia. - 1976.  Earth-Science Reviews 12-2/3; pp. 99-346, many  fig./phot., some fold-out. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, very good, complete journal issue. € 15




Roy A. Schroeder, Jeffrey L. Bada - A review of the geochemical applications of the amino acid racemization reaction. - 1976. Earth-Science Reviews 12; pp. 347-391


Kent C. Condie - Trace-element geochemistry of archean greenstone belts. - 1976. Earth-Science Reviews 12; pp. 393-417



Vol. 13 - 1977


Miall, A.D. - A review of the braided river depositional environment. - 1977. Earth-Science Reviews 13-1; pp. 1-62, 16  fig./phot. Orig. wrps., very good, complete journal issue. € 10


Rock, N.M.S. - The nature and origin of lamprophyres: some definitions, distinctions, and derivations. - 1977, Earth Sci. Rev. 13-2; pp. 123-170, 5 fig. In complete journal issue, orig. wrps., very good. € 8


Stefan Gartner - Nannofossils and biostratigraphy: An overview. - 1977. Earth-Science Reviews 13; pp. 227-250


Henry O.A. Meyer - Mineralogy of the upper mantle: A review of the minerals in mantle xenoliths from kimberlite. - 1977. Earth-Science Reviews 13; pp. 251-281


KUKLA, G.J. - Pleistocene land-sea correlations. I. Europe. - 1977, Earth Sci. Rev. 13-4; pp. 307-374, 21 fig. Complete journal issue. € 11


Vol. 14 - 1978-79


R.H. Dott Jr. - Tectonics and sedimentation a century later. - 1978. Earth-Science Reviews 14; pp. 1-34


A.C. Ries - The opening of the Bay of Biscay - a review. - 1978. Earth-Science Reviews 14; pp. 35-63


K.S. Jackson, I.R. Jonasson, G.B. Skippen - The nature of metals—sediment—water interactions in freshwater bodies, with emphasis on the role of organic matter. - 1978. Earth-Science Reviews 14; pp. 97-146


Michael O. Garcia - Criteria for the identification of ancient volcanic arcs. - 1978. Earth-Science Reviews 14; pp. 147-165, illustr. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 4


Plumb, K.A. - The tectonic evolution of Australia. - 1979, Earth Sci. Rev. 14-3; pp. 205-250, 17 fig. In compl. journ. iss. (pp. 205-313). € 8


Menzies, J. - A review of the literature on the formation and location of drumlins. - 1979, Earth Sci. Rev. 14-4; pp. 315-360, 5 fig. Compl. journ. iss. € 10


Vol. 15 - 1979-80


Glikson, A.Y. - Early Precambrian tonalite-trondhjemite sialic nuclei. - 1979. Earth-Science Reviews 15-1; pp. 1-74, 25 fig./phot. In complete journal issue, orig. wrps. with libr. stamp. € 10


J.K. Osmond - Accumulation models of 230Th and 231Pa in deep sea sediments. - 1979. Earth-Science Reviews 15; pp. 95-150


Donald H.W. Hutton - Tectonic slides: A review and reappraisal. - 1979. Earth-Science Reviews 15; pp. 151-172


Dionne, J.-C. - Ice action in the lacustrine environment. A review with particular reference to subarctic Canada. - 1979. Earth-Science Reviews 15-3; pp. 185-212, 12  fig./phot. Extract without covers. € 5


Channel, J.E.T. et al. - Adria, the African promontory, in Mesozoic Mediterranean palaeogeography. - 1979. Earth-Science Reviews 15-3; pp. 213-292, 18  fig. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, stapled. € 8


Washburn, A.L. - Permafrost features as evidence of climatic change. - 1980. Earth-Science Reviews 15-4; pp. 327-402, 63 fig./phot. In complete journal issue, orig. wrps., very good. € 15


Vol. 16 - 1980-81


Schnitker, D. - Global paleoceanography and its deep water linkage to the Antarctic glaciation. - 1980. Earth-Science Reviews 16-1; pp. 1-20, 7 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 4


Bada, J.L. - Amino acid diagenesis in deep see drilling project cores: kinetics and mechanisms of some reactions and their applications in geochronology and in paleotemperature and heat flow determinations. - 1980. Earth-Science Reviews 16-1; pp. 21-55, 10 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 5


Choubert, G. & A. Faure-Muret (eds.) - The Precambrian in mobile zones. Final Report IGCP Project No. 2. - 1980, Earth-Science Reviews 16-2/3; pp. 85-316, many figs. In 3 parts: 1.Precambrian in North peri-Atlantic and Mediterranean zone, 2. Biostratigraphy, 3. Paleomagnetism, IV Regional contributions. Orig. wrps. libr. stamp on front cover, very good. € 18


Simone, L. - Ooids: A review. - 1981. Earth-Science Reviews 16-4; pp. 319-356, 25 microphot. Orig. wrps., complete journal issue. € 6,50


Vol. 17 - 1981


sold Mabesoone, J.M. et al. (eds.) - The geology of Brazil. - 1981, Earth-Science Reviews 17-1/2; pp. 1-219, many fig./phot. In compl. journ. iss., orig. wrps., very good. € 15


Heward, A.P. - A review of wave-dominated clastic shoreline deposits. - 1981, Earth-Science Reviews 17-3; pp. 223-276, 10 fig. In compl. journ. iss., orig. wrps. with faint libr. stamp. € 8


Bεth, M. - Earthquake magnitude -- recent research and current trends. - 1981, Earth-Science Reviews 17-4; pp. 315-398, 7 fig. In compl. journ. iss., orig. wrps., very good. € 10



Vol. 18 - 1982


Wilkinson. J.F.G. - The genesis of mid-ocean ridge basalt. - 1982. Earth-Science Reviews 18-1; pp. 1-57, 5 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 7


Hogg, S.E. - Sheetfloods, sheetwash, sheetflow, or ...? - 1982. Earth-Science Reviews 18-1; pp. 59-76, 4 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 4


sold Linares, E. et al. (eds.) - Magmatic evolution of the Andes. - 1982, Special issue Earth-Science Reviews 18-3/4; pp. 199-452, many figs. some fold. Orig. wrps. € 20



Vol. 19 - 1983


Henley, R.W. & A.J. Ellis - Geothermal systems ancient and modern: a geochemical review. - 1983. Earth-Science Reviews 19-1; pp. 1-50, 5 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 8


Swart, P.K. - Carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation in sclratinian corals: a review. - 1983. Earth-Science Reviews 19-1; pp. 51-80, 10 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 6


Sholkovitz, E.R. - The geochemistry of plutonium in fresh and marine water environments. - 1983. Earth-Science Reviews 19-2; pp. 95-161, 23 fig. In complete journal issue, orig. wrps., very good. € 10


Bεth, M. - Earthquake data analysis: an example from Sweden. - 1983, Earth-Science Reviews 19-3; pp. 181-303, 22 fig. In compl. journ. iss., orig. wrps., very good. € 15


Barron, E,J, - A warm equable Cretaceous: the nature of the problem. - 1983, Earth-Science Reviews 19-4; pp. 305-338, 5 fig. In compl. journ. iss., orig. wrps., very good. € 6



Vol. 20 - 1984


Rona, P.A. - Hydrothermal mineralization at seafloor spreading centers. - 1984. Earth-Science Reviews 20-1; pp. 1-104, 18 fig./phot. Orig. wrps. complete journal issue. € 10


Gravenor, C.P. et al. - Nature and classification of waterlain glaciogenic sediments, exemplified by Pleistocene, Late Paleozoic and late Precambrian deposits. - 1984. Earth-Science Reviews 20-2; pp. 105-166, 24 fig./phot. Orig. wrps. complete journal issue. € 8,50


Nunn, P. - Review of evidence for late Tertiary shorelines occurring on South Atlantic coasts. - 1984. Earth-Science Reviews 20-3; pp. 185-210, 2 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 5


Nunn, P. - Glauconitic peloids and chamositic ooids -- favorable factors, constraints, and problems. - 1984. Earth-Science Reviews 20-3; pp. 211-243, 4 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 6,50



Vol. 20 & 22


Elliston, J.N. - Orbicules: an indication of the crystallisation of hydrosilicates, I. /&/ Rapakivi texture: an indication of the crystallization of hydrosilicates, II - 1984-85. Earth-Science Reviews 20-4 & 22-1; pp. 265-344 & 1-92, 56+47 fig./phot. Orig. wrps. complete journal issues. € 18



Vol. 21 - 1984



sold Kukal, Z. - Atlantis in the light of modern research. - 1984. Earth-Science Reviews 21-1/3; pp. 1-224, 77 fig./phot. Orig. wrps., complete journal issue, very good. € 35



Scheidegger, A.E. - A review of recent work on mass movement on slopes and on rockfalls. - 1984. Earth-Science Reviews 21-4; pp. 225-249. Orig. extract, stapled. € 4


Singer, A. - The paleoclimatic interpretation of clay minerals in sediments – a review. - 1984. Earth-Science Reviews 21-4; pp. 251-293, 17 fig. Orig. extract, stapled. € 6,50


Vol. 22 - 1985


Martini, I.P. - Cold climate peat formation in Canada, and its relevance to Lower Permian coal measures of Australia. - 1985. Earth-Science Reviews 224-2; pp. 107-149, 18 fig./phot. Complete journal issue, orig. wrps., very good. € 6


Vol. 24 - 1987


Morse, J.W. - The chemistry of the hydrogen sulfide and iron sulfide systems in natural waters. - 1987. Earth-Science Reviews 24-1; pp. 1-42, 13 fig. Complete journal issue, cover with libr. stamp. € 6,50


Vol. 36 - 1994


sold Sutherland, F.L. - Volcanism around K/T boundary time — its rτle in an impact scenario for the K/T extinction events. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 36; pp. 1-26, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Gardner, R.A.M. & S.J. McLaren - Variability in early vadose carbonate diagenesis in sandstones. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 36; pp. 27-45, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 4


sold Sinha, A.K. & R. Upadhyay - Flysch: a historical perspective and the Himalayas. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 36; pp. 47-58, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 3,50


Rodgers, C.D.F. et al.  - Particle packing from an earth science viewpoint. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 36; pp. 59-82, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Brown, M. - The generation, segregation, ascent and emplacement of granite magma: the migmatite-to-crustally-derived granite connection in thickened orogens. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 36; pp. 83-130, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 8,50


Firman, J.B. - Paleosols in laterite and silcrete profiles Evidence from the South East Margin of the Australian Precambrian Shield. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 36; pp. 149-179, 10 fig./phot. Extract without covers, stapled. € 6


Kanagy II, S.P. & C.J. Mann - Electrical properties of eolian sand and silt. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 36; pp. 181-204, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 5


Melezhik, V.A. & B.A. Sturt - General geology and evolutionary history of the early proterozoic Polmak-Pasvik-Pechenga-Imandra/Varzuga-Ust'Ponoy greenstone belt in the northeastern Baltic Shield. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 36; pp. 205-241, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 6,50



Vol. 37 - 1994


Erikson, K.A. et al. - Sedimentology of Archean Greenstone Belts: Signatures of tectonic evolution. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 37; pp. 1-88, illustr. Orig. wrps., stapled. € 10


Garratt, J.R. - Review: the atmospheric boundary layer. - 1994. Earth-Science Reviews 37; pp. 89-134, illustr. Extract without covers, stapled. € 8



Vol. 38 - 1995


Goudie, A.S. & G.L. Wells - The nature, distribution and formation of pans in arid zones. - 1995. Earth-Science Reviews 38; pp. 1-69, illustr. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp. € 10




Vol. 42 - 1997


Shanmugam, G. - The Bouma Sequence and the turbidite mind set. - 1997. Earth-Science Reviews 42; pp. 201-229, 16 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5





Vol. 45 - 1998


Ghebreab, W. - Tectonics of the Red Sea region reassessed. - 1998. Earth-Science Reviews 45; pp. 1-44, 17 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5



Vol. 53 - 2001


Makaske, B. - Anastomosing rivers: a review of their classification, origin and sedimentary products. - 2001. Earth-Science Reviews 53; pp. 149-196, 16 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5


Bennett, M.R. - The morphology, structural evolution and significance of push moraines. - 2001. Earth-Science Reviews 53; pp. 197-236, 20 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5


sold Li, Z.X. & C.McA. Powell - An outline of the palaeogeographic evolution of the Australasian region since the beginning of the Neoproterozoic. - 2001. Earth-Science Reviews 53; pp. 237-277, 21 fig., most col. Extract without covers, stapled. € 7



Vol. 54 - 2001


Miall, A.D. & C.E. Miall - Sequence stratigraphy as a scientific enterprise: the evolution and persistence of conflicting paradigms. - 2001. Earth-Science Reviews 54; pp. 321-348, 2 fig. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 4




Vol. 56 - 2001


Goudie, A.S. & N.J. Middleton - Saharan dust storms: nature and consequences. - 2001. Earth-Science Reviews 56; pp. 179-204, 6 fig. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 4


Dressler, B.O. & W.U. Reimold - Terrestrial impact melt rocks and glasses. - 2001. Earth-Science Reviews 56; pp. 205-284, 19 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 7



Vol. 57 - 2002


Twidale, C.R. - The two-stage concept of landform and landscape development involving etching: origin, development and implications of an idea. - 2002. Earth-Science Reviews 57; pp. 37-74, 21 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5


Hungerbόhler, D. et al. - Neogene stratigraphy and Andean geodynamics of southern Ecuador. - 2002.  Earth-Science Reviews 57; pp. 75-124, 18 fig. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5


Wuebbles, D.J. & K. Hayhoe - Atmospheric methane and global change. - 2002. Earth-Science Reviews 57; pp. 177-210, 12 fig. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5


Weltje, G.J. - Quantitative analysis of detrital modes: statistically rigorous confidence regions in ternary diagrams and their use in sedimentary petrology. - 2002. Earth-Science Reviews 57; pp. 211-253, 19 fig. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5


Kennedy, D.M. & C.D. Woodroffe - Fringing reef growth and morphology: a review. - 2002. Earth-Science Reviews 57; pp. 255-277, 15 fig. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 4


sold Smith, J.V. - Structural analysis of flow-related textures in lavas. - 2002. Extract Earth-Science Reviews 57; pp. 279-297, 4 phot., 1 col. pl. No wrps., stapled. € 5


sold Hibbard, J.P. et al. - The Carolina Zone: overviw of Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic peri-Gondwanan terranes along the eastern flank of the southern Appalachians. - 2002. Extract Earth-Science Reviews 57; pp. 299-339, 9 fig. No wrps., stapled. € 7