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Papers from Leidse Geologische Mededelingen

Rijksmuseum van Geologie en Mineralogie te Leiden & het Geologisch en Mineralogische Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden

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These are the original print versions (not printed on demand or photocopied) taken from the original journal issues.


Deel I, 1926


Umbgrove, J.H.F. - Bijdrage tot de kennis der stratigraphie, tektoniek en petrographie van het Senoon in Zuid-Limburg. - 1925. Overdruk: Leidse Geol. Meded. 1; pp. 255-332, 33 fig., 4 uitslaande fotoplaten, 2 uitslaande pltn. met kaart en geol. profielen. Orig. omslag, in zeer goede staat, kl4to. € 15


Umbgrove, J.H.F. - Bijdrage tot de kennis der stratigraphie, tektoniek en petrographie van het Senoon in Zuid-Limburg. - 1925. Leidse Geol. Meded. 1; pp. 255-332, 33 fig., 4 uitslaande fotoplaten, 2 uitslaande pltn. met kaart en geol. profielen. Orig. extract met nieuwe omslag, in goede staat, kl4to. € 7,50




Deel II, 1927



Umbgrove, J.H.F. - Over Lithothamnia in het Maastrichtsche Tufkrijt. - 1927. Overdruk: Leidse Geol. Meded. II; pp. 8-97, 9 fig., 1 plt. h.t. Orig. omslag met beschadiging, inhoud goed, kl4to. € 3


Umbgrove, J.H.F. - Über die obersenone Gattung Rhombodus, einen durophagen Stachelrochen. - 1927. Leidse Geol. Meded. II; pp. 15-22, 5 fig. Orig. extract, plain new wrps., sm4to. € 3



Deel XVII, 1953



Identificatie van natuurlijke alkaliveldspaten met behulp van röntgen-poederdiagrammen.

1953, Reprint Leidse Geol. Meded. 17; 70 pp. 24 fig./phot. 3 plts. Orig. wrps. sm4to.




Deel XIX, 1955


Straaten, L.M.J.U. van - Composition and structure of recent marine sediments in the Netherlands. [mainly Waddensea]. - 1954. Leidse Geol. Meded. XIX; 110 pp. 26 fig. 9 pl. 1 fold. & col. map. Orig. extract, stapled, plain new wrps. sm4to. € 12


Vloten, R. van - Geology of the border region between Coahuila and Zacatecas, Mexico. - 1955. Leidse Geol. Meded. XIX; pp. 111-166, 25 fig. phot., 2 fold. plts. w. map & sections. Orig. extract, stapled. € 10


Zwaan, P.C. - On the determination of pyroxenes by x-ray powder diagrams. - 1954. Leidse Geol. Meded. XIX; pp. 167-276, 29 fig./phot. Plain new wrps. stapled extract, a few pages with libr. stamp, otherwise very good. € 8.50



Deel 20, 1955


Escher, B.G. - Afscheidscollege gegeven op 24 mei 1955. - 1955. Overdruk: Leidse Geol. Meded. 20; pp. 9-21, 5 fig. waarvan 1 op uitslaande plaat. Orig. omslag, in prima staat. € 3,50


Erdbrink, D.P. - The sites of Wezep and Oldebroek (Province of Gelderland, Netherlands). - 1955. Leidse Geol. Meded. 20; pp. 58-73, 4 fig./phot., 1 plt. with drawings of flint fragments, 1 fold-out plt. h.t. with section. Concludes that flint fragments found at these sites are not artefacts. Orig. extract, plain new wps., sm4to. € 4,50


Hooijer, D.A. - Archidiskodon planifrons (Falconer and Cautley) from the Tatrot of the Upper Siwaliks. - 1955. Leidse Geol. Meded. 20; pp. 110-119, 1 plt. Orig. wrps., stapled extract, very good, sm4to. € 3,50



Deel 21, 1956


Parga-Pondal, I. - Nota explicativa del mapa geológico de la parte N.O. de la provincia de La Coruña. - 1956. Leidse Geol. Meded. 21--2; pp. 467-484, 1 fold. olt. w. col. geol. map 1:400.000. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 5


Alphen, G.J. et al. - Structural features round las Bordas, Valle de Arán /&/ Quelques phases granitiques intrusives dans le Massif des Trois Seigneurs /&/ Stratigraphy and structural geology of the district west of the Marimana Granite /&/ La géologie des environs d'Estours. - 1956, Reprint Leidse Geol. Meded. 21-2; pp. 485-520, 11 fig./phot. 5 fold. & col. plts. w. maps & sections in pocket. Orig. wrps. € 7


Deel 22, 1958


Struwe, H. - Data on the mineralogy and petrology of the dolomite-bearing northern contact zone of the Quérigut Granite, French Pyrenees. - 1958. Leidse Geol. Meded. 22; pp. 235-350, 46 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 10



Deel 23, 1957


Koning, G. de - Géologie des Ida ou Zal (Maroc). Stratigraphie, pétrographie et tectonique de la partie SW du bloc occidental du massif ancien du Haut Atlas. - 1957. Leidse Geol. Meded. 23; 209 pp., 87 fig./phot., 3 folded plts (2 col.) with maps and sections in pocket. Orig. wrps., very good, sm4to. € 15



Deel 24, afl. 1, 1959


Sitter, L.U. de & H.J. Zwart - Voorlopige resultaten van de kartering in N. Spanje en Z. Frankrijk verkregen in 1958. - 1959. Leidse Geol. Meded. 24; pp. 1-29, 10 fig., 1 fold-out plts. Orig. extract, stapled, very good, sm4to. € 5


Mabesoone, J.M. - Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentation in a part of the Duero Basin, Palencia, Spain. - 1959. Leidse Geol. Meded. 24; pp. 31-180, 48 figs., 145 tab. 4 plts. Orig. extract, plain new wrps., sm4to. € 10

Tobi, A.C. - Petrographical and geological investigations in the Merdaret-Lac Crop region (Belledonne Massif, France). - 1959. Leidse Geol. Meded. 24; pp. 181-281, 57 fig./phot. 1 fold. map. Orig. extract, plain new wrps., sm4to. € 10


Nossin, J.J. - Geomorphological aspects of the Pisuerga drainage area in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). - 1959. Leidse Geol. Meded. 24; pp. 281-406, 52 phot./fig. 2 fold. maps in pocket. Orig. extract, plain new wrps., sm4to. € 10


Schulman, N. - Geology of Tornafort area, Central Pyrenees, Noguera de Pallaresa, Prov. de Lerida, Spain. - 1959. Leidse Geol. Meded. 24; pp. 407-414, 6 fig. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 2






Deel 28, 1963


Collée, A.L.G. - A fabric study of lherzolites with special reference to ultrabasic nodular inclusions in the lavas of Auvergne (France). - 1962. Leidse geol. meded. 28; pp. 1-102, 36 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 10


Boschma, D. - Successive Hercynian structures in some areas of the central Pyrenees. - 1963. Leidse Geol. Meded 28; pp. 103-176, 101 fig./phot. Orig. extract, plain new wrps., sm4to. € 10


Oosterom, M.G. - The ultramafites and layered gabbro sequences in the granulite facies rocks on Stjernøy (Finnmark, Norway). - 1963. Diss. Univ. Leiden. pp. 177-296, 5 pl. 9 fig. 1 fold. map. Orig. wrps. lg8vo. € 10


Oele, E. et al. - Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentation in the Conflent, an intramontane rift-valley in the eastern Pyrenees. - 1963. Leids geol. Meded. 28; pp. 297-319, 10 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled. € 5


Zwart, H.J. - Metamorphic history of the central Pyrenees Part II, Valle de Arán, sheet 4. - 1963. Leids geol. Meded. 28; pp. 321-376, 45 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled. € 8,50



Deel 31, 1966


Frets, D.C. - The geology of the southern part of the Pisuerga Basin and the adjacent area of Santibanez de Resoba, Palencia, Spain. - 1965. Leidse Geol. Meded. 31; pp. 113-162, 22 fig./phot. 1 fold. & col. geol. map. Extract without covers, very good. € 11


Sitter, L.U. de & D. Boschma - Explanation geological map of the Palaeozoic of the southern Cantabrian Mountains 1:50.000 Sheet 1 Pisuerga. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 31; pp. 191-238, 24 fig. 2 fold. plts. with geol. sections (1 col.), 1 fold. & col. geol. map 1:50.000 in pocket. Orig. extract, stapled, very good. € 10



Deel 32, 1965


Rupke, J. - The Esla nappe, Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). /&/ Helmig, H.M.: The geology of the Valderrueda, Tejerina, Oceja and Sabero coal basins (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain). - 1965. Leidse Geol. Meded. 32; pp. 1-74 & 75-149, 34+34 fig./phot. 5+2 fold. plts. w. sections, 1 fold. & col. geol. map 1:50.000. Orig. wrps. extract, very good, sm4to. € 20


Helmig, H.M. - The geology of the Valderrueda, Tejerina, Oceja and Sabero coal basins (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain). - 1965. Leidse Geol. Meded. 32; pp. 75-149, 34 fig. 2 fold. sect. 1 fold. & col. map. Stapled extract. € 10


Gonzalez, E., Th. vd Hammen & R.F. Flint - Late Quaternary glacial and vegetational sequence in the Valle de Lagunillas, Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Colombia. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 32; pp. 157-182, 7 fig. 2 photoplts. 2 fold. maps, 7 fold. plts. w. pollendiagr. Orig. extract. € 8


Hammen, T. van der & E. Gonzalez - A pollendiagram from “Laguna de la Herrera” (Sabana de Bogota). /&/ A late-glacial and Holocene pollen diagram from Cienaga del Visitador (Dept. Boyaca, Colombia). - 1965. Leidse Geol. Meded. 32; pp. 183-191 & 193-201, 4+5 fig./phot. 1+1 fold-out plt. with pollen diagrams. Orig. extract, very good. € 6



Deel 35, 1965


Cohen, C.L.D. - Coccoliths and discoasters from Adriatic bottom sediments. - 1965. Leidse Geol. Meded. 35; pp. 1-44, 2 fig. 25 plts. h.t. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 10


Veen, J. van - The tectonic and stratigraphic history of the Cardano area, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. - 1965. Leidse Geol. Meded. 35; pp. 45-103, 39 fig/phot. 1 fold. sect. 1 fold. & col. map. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 10


Poll, J.J.K. - The geology of the Rosas-Terreseo area (Sulcis, south Sardegna). - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded.35; pp. 117-208, 59 fig./phot. 4 fold. plts. (2 col.) w. maps & sections. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 12


Gijzel, P. van - Autofluorescence of fossil pollen and spores with special reference to age determination and coalification. - 1967. Leidse Geol. Meded. 40; pp. 263-317, 35 fig./phot. 1 col. pl. 11 fold. plts (some col.). Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 10



Deel 38, 1966


Gutjahr, C.C.M. - Carbonization measurements of pollen-grains and spores and their application. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; 29 pp. 23 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 5


Laeyendecker-Roosenburg, D.M. - A palynological investigation of some archaeologically interesting sections in northwestern Surinam. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; pp. 31-36, 2 fig. 4 fold-out plts with pollen diagrams. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 4,50


Hoeken-Klinkenberg, P.M.J. van - Maastrichtian, Paleocene, and Eocene pollen and spores from Nigeria. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; pp. 37-48, 1 fig., 3 plts. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 3,50


Leidelmeyer, P. - The Paleocene and Lower Eocene pollen flora of Guyana. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; pp. 49-70, 3 fig. 5 plts. Stapled extract. € 5


Wijmstra, T.A. & Th. vd Hammen - Palynological data on the history of tropical savannas in northern South America. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; pp. 71-90, 15 fig./phot. 2 plts. w. pollen phot. 4 fold-out plts. h.t. with pollen diagrams. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 7


Lasalle, P. - Late Quaternary vegetation and glacial history in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canada. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38. pp. 91-128, 16 figs. some fold. in pocket, 3 tab. 22 pl. mainly with photogr. of fossil pollen. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 10


Oele, J.A. - The structural history of the Vall Ferrera area, the transition zone between the Aston Massif and the Salat-Pallaresa anticlinorium (Central Pyrenees, France, Spain). - 1966. Reprint Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; pp. 129-164, 58 fig./phot. 2 fold. maps. Orig. wrps. sm4to. € 10


Oele, J.A. - The structural history of the Vall Ferrera area, the transition zone between the Aston Massif and the Salat-Pallaresa anticlinorium (Central Pyrenees, France, Spain). - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; pp. 129-164, 58 fig./phot. 2 fold. maps. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 6


Drot, J. & P. Westbroek - Iberirhynchia santaluciensis, nouveau Rhynchonellacea du Dévonien de León (Espagne). - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; pp. 165-172, 2 fig., 1 plt. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 2


Hammen, TH. vd & D. Burger - Pollen flora and age of the Takutu Formation (Guyana). - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 38; pp. 173-180, 2 fig. 4 plts. h.t. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 4



Deel 39, 1967


Dooge, J. - The stratigraphy of un Upper Devonian carbonate-shale transition between North and South Ram rivers of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded 39; pp. 1-53, 56 fig./phot. 6 fold. plts. Stapled extract. € 10


Sjerp, N. - The geology of the San Isidro-Porma area (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain). - 1966. Leidse Geol. Meded. 39; pp. 55-128, 62 fig./phot. 2 photopl. 3 fold. sheets (2 col.) w. maps & sections. Stapled extract. € 10


Sjerp, N. - The geology of the San Isidro-Porma area (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain). - 1966, Reprint Leidse Geol. Meded. 39; pp. 55-128, 62 fig./phot. 2 photopl. 3 fold. sheets (2 col.) w. maps & sections. Orig. wrps. sm4to. € 15


Adrichem Boogaert, H.A. van - Devonian and Lower Carboniferous conodonts of the Cantabrian mountains (Spain) and their stratigraphic application. - 1967. Leidse Geol. Meded 39; pp. 129-192, 68 fig./phot. 3 pl. 6 fold. diagr. Stapled extract. € 10


Savage, J.F. - Tectonic analysis of Lechada and Curavacas synclines, Yuso basin, Léon, Spain. - 1967. Leidse Geol. Meded. 39; pp. 193-247, 62 fig./phot. 3 fold. plts. w. map & sections. Stapled extract. € 10


Hensen, B.J. - Mineralogy and petrography of some tin, lithium and beryllium bearing albite-pegmatites near Doade, Galicia, Spain. - 1967. Leidse Geol. Meded. 39; pp. 249-260, 4 fig. 4 photoplts. h.t. Orig. extract, stapled. € 4


Wijmstra, T.A. - A pollen diagram from the upper Holocene of the lower Magdalena Valley. - 1967. Leidse Geol. Meded. 39; pp. 261-267, 6 fig./phot. 1 fold-out plt. Orig. extract, stapled. € 3


Bless, M.J.M. & M.Ph. Michel - An ostracode fauna from the Upper Devonian of the Gildar-Monto region (NW Spain). - 1967. Leidse Geol. Meded. 39; pp. 269-272, 3 fig., 1 plt. h.t. Orig. extract, stapled. € 1



Deel 41, 1968


Evers, H.J. - Geology of the Leonides between the Bernesga and Porma rivers, Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain. - 1967. Leidse Geol. Meded. 41; pp. 83-151, 77 fig./phot., 5 fold. plts. w. maps & sections (2 col.) Orig. extract, stapled, very good, sm4to. € 12




The geology of the upper Ribagorzana and Baliera valleys, central Pyrenees, Spain.

1967. Leidse Geol. Meded. 41; pp. 153-220, 57 fig./phot. 3 fold. plts. w. maps & sections (2 col.). Stapled extract.

https://www.antiqbook.com/books/flags/nl.gif-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper

Boeknummer: 1060621

€  11.50



The geology of the upper Ribagorzana and Baliera valleys, central Pyrenees, Spain.

1967. Leidse Geol. Meded. 41; pp. 153-220, 57 fig./phot. 3 fold. plts. w. maps & sections (2 col.). Stapled extract.

https://www.antiqbook.com/books/flags/nl.gif-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper

Boeknummer: 1060621

€  11.50




The geology of the Esera valley and the Lys-Caillauas Massif, central Pyrenees, Spain / France.

1968, Diss. Univ. Leiden [repr. LGM 41]; pp221-267, 56 fig./phot. 1 fold. pl. w. sections, 1 fold. & col. geol. map 1:50.000. Orig. wrps.

https://www.antiqbook.com/books/flags/nl.gif-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper

Boeknummer: 1580294

€  18


Deel 42, 1969




Avé Lallement, H.G. - Structural and petrofabric analysis of an alpine-type peridotite: the Lherzolite of the French Pyrenees. - 1969. Leidse Geol. Meded. 42; pp. 1-57 pp. 36 fig. 6 photopl. 3 fold. pl. w. sections & map. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 10



Deel 43, 1969


Bless, M.J.M. - On two hollinid ostracode genera from the Upper Carboniferous of northwestern Spain. - 1968. Leidse Geol. Meded. 43; pp. 157-212, 49 fig./phot., 10 plts., 2 fold. plts. Orig. extract, very good. € 8.50


Meer Mohr, C.G. van der - The stratigraphy of the Cambrian Lancara Formation between the Luna River and the Esla River in the Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. - 1969. Diss. Univ. Leiden; Reprint Leidse Geol. Meded.43; pp. 233-316, 62 fig. mostly phot. on plts., 4 fold. diagr. in pocket. Orig. wrps., very good, sm4to. € 15


Meer Mohr, C.G. van der - The stratigraphy of the Cambrian Lancara Formation between the Luna River and the Esla River in the Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. - 1969. Leidse Geol. Meded. 43; pp. 233-316, 8 fig., plts. with 54 phot., 4 fold. plts. in pocket. Orig. wrps. extract, as such very good, sm4to. € 10



Deel 45, 1970


Zuuren, A. van - Structural geology of an area near Santiago de Compostella (NW Spain). - 1969, Diss. Leiden. [repr. Leidse Geol. Meded. 45]; pp. 1-71, many figs. & phot. 3 fold. maps (1 col.) in pocket. Orig. wrps. sm4to. € 13


Zuuren, A. van - Structural geology of an area near Santiago de Compostella (NW Spain). - 1969,. Leidse Geol. Meded. 45; pp. 1-71, many figs. & phot. 3 fold. maps (1 col.) in pocket. Orig. extract, sm4to. € 10


Hoorn, B. van - Sedimentology and paleogeography of an Upper Cretaceous turbidite basin in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain. - 1970. Leidse Geol. Meded. 45; pp. 73-154, many fig./phot., 6 fold. plts. with map & sections. Extract without covers, very good. € 14


Hartevelt, J.J.A. - Geology of the upper Segre and Valira valleys, central Pyrenees, Andorra/Spain. - 1970. Diss. Univ. Leiden [repr. LGM 45]; pp. 167-236, 67 fig./phot. 4 fold. plts. w. maps & sections, 1 fold. & col. geol. map. 1:50.000. Orig. wrps. 4to. € 18


Hartevelt, J.J.A. - Geology of the upper Segre and Valira valleys, central Pyrenees, Andorra/Spain. - 1970. Leidse Geol. Meded. 45; pp. 167-236, 67 fig./phot. 4 fold. plts. w. maps & sections, 1 fold. & col. geol. map. 1:50.000. Orig. extract, stapled, 4to. € 12


Maaskant, P. - Chemical petrology of polymetamorphic ultramafic rocks from Galicia, NW Spain. - 1970, Diss. Univ. Leiden [reprint Leidse geol. Meded. 45; pp. 237-325, many figs. 6 photoplts. Orig. wrps. € 15


Maaskant, P. - Chemical petrology of polymetamorphic ultramafic rocks from Galicia, NW Spain. - 1970. Leidse geol. Meded. 45; pp. 237-325, many figs. 6 photoplts. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 10



Deel 46, 1970-71


Habermehl, M.A. - Depositional history and diagenesis of quartz-sand bars and lime-mud environments in the Devonian Basibé Formation (Central Pyrenees, Spain). - 1970. Leidse Geol. Meded. 46; pp. 1-55, 32 fig./phot., 1 fold. plt. with map & geol. scetions loosely inserted. Orig. extract, as such very good, sm4to. € 7


Arps, C.E.S. - Petrology of a part of the western Galician basement between the Rio Jallas and the Ria de Arosa (NW Spain) with emphasis on zircon investigations. - 1970, Diss. Univ. Leiden. Repr. Leidse Geol. Meded. 46; pp. 57-155, 19 pl. w. phot. 4 fold. app. (1 col. map). Orig. wrps., very good, sm4to. € 15


Arps, C.E.S. - Petrology of a part of the western Galician basement between the Rio Jallas and the Ria de Arosa (NW Spain) with emphasis on zircon investigations. - 1970. Leidse Geol. Meded. 46; pp. 57-155, 19 pl. w. phot. 4 fold. app. (1 col. map). Orig. wrps.. stapled extract, as such very good, sm4to. € 11


Graaff, W.J.E. van de - Three Upper Carboniferous, limestone-rich, high-destructive, delta systems wiyh submarine fan deposits, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. - 1971, Diss. Univ. Leiden [repr. Leidse Geol. Meded. 46]; pp. 157-235, 16 fig. 9 photoplts. 5 fold. encl. in pocket. Orig. wrps., very good, sm4to. € 16


Graaff, W.J.E. van de - Three Upper Carboniferous, limestone-rich, high-destructive, delta systems wiyh submarine fan deposits, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. - 1971. Leidse Geol. Meded. 46 [Diss. Univ. leiden]; pp. 157-235, 16 fig., 9 photoplts., 5 fold. encl. in pocket. Orig. wrps., extract, very good. € 11


Gaemers, P.A.M. - Bonefish-otoliths from the Anversian (Middle Miocene) of Antwerp. - 1971. Leidse Geol. Meded. 46; pp. 237-267, 1 fig., 9 plts. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 6,50


Deel 47, 1971


Meijer, J.J. de - Carbonate petrology of algal limestones (Lois-Ciquera Formation, Upper Carboniferous, Leòn, Spain). - 1971. Diss. Univ. Leiden [repr. Leidse Geol. Meded. 47]; 97 pp. 13 fig. 21 plts. (1 col.). Orig. wrps. sm4to. € 13


Krans, Th.F. - The relation between the genera Cyrtinopsis Scupin, 1896 and Kozlowskiellina Boucot, 1957. - 1971. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen Deel 47, Afl. 1; pp. 99-113, 9 fig., 3 plts. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 4


Ginkel, A.C. van - Fusulinids from uppermost Myachkovian and Kasimovian strata of northwestern Spain. - 1971. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen Deel 47, Afl. 1; pp. 115-161, 6 fig., 13 plts. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 7




Deel 48, 1972



Loon, A.J. van - A prograding deltaic complex in the Upper Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain): the Prioro-Tejerina basin. - 1972, Repr. Leidse Geol. Meded. 48; pp. 1-81, 69 fig./phot., 2 photoplts., 3 fold. maps in pocket. Orig. wrps., very good, sm4to. € 12


Mohanti, M. - The Portilla Formation (Middle Ordovician) of the Alba syncline, Cantabrian Mountains, Prov. Leon, northwestern Spain: carbonate facies and Rhynchonellid palaeontology. - 1972. Diss. Univ. Leiden [repr. Leidse Geol. Meded. 48]. pp. 135-205, 37 fig. 10 plts. 2 fold. encl. in pocket. Orig. wrps. sm4to. € 18


Michel, M.P. - Polyzygia Guerich (Ostracoda) in the Devonian od Asturias and Leon (Spain). - 1972, Extract Leidse geol. Meded. 48; pp. 207-273, 46 fig./phot. 15 photoplts. Plain wrps. sm4to. € 15




Deel 51, 1978




Gaemers, P.A.M. - Systematics of the Alveolinids of the Trem Basin, south-central Pyrenees, Spain. - 1978. Reprint Leidse Geologische Mededelingen Deel 51, afl. 1; pp. 103-129, 8 plts. Orig. wrps. € 5


Gaemers, P.A.M. - Biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and palaeogeography of the mainly marine Ager Formation (Late Paleocene - Early Eocene) in the Tremp basin, south-central Pyrenees, Spain. - 1978, Diss. Univ. Leiden, reprinted from: Leidse Geologische Mededelingen Deel 51, afl. 2; pp. 151-231, 13 fig., 8 photoplts., 6 fold. encl. Orig. wrps., very good, sm4to. € 15


Klein, J.A. - Post-nappe folding southeast of the Mischabel-rückfalte (Pennine Alps) and some aspects of the associated metamorphism. - 1978, Diss. Univ. Leiden, reprinted from: Leidse Geologische Mededelingen Deel 51, afl. 2; pp. 233-312, many figs./phot. 2 fold. & col. maps. Orig. wrps. sm4to. € 13


Minnigh, L.D. - Petrological outline of an area near Sparone (Orco Valley, Western Italian Alps). - 1978. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen Deel 51, afl. 2; pp. 313-329, 19 fig./phot. Orig. extract, stapled, sm4to. € 4