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Papers and issues from
Quaternary Research
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These are the original print versions (not printed
on demand or photocopied) taken from the original journal issues.
First 10 pages € 3, each addition set of 10 pages
or part of it € 2, unless indicated otherwise.
Prices do not include postage
Reasearch. An
Interdisciplinary Journal, vols. 1-62,
Most issues and papers of the following volumes
available separately
7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -
11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 -
19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 -
27 - 28 - 29 - 30 -
31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40
- 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 -
49 - 50
Response of Bushy-Tailed Woodrats
(Neotoma cinerea) to Late Quaternary Climatic Change in the Colorado Plateau. -
1998. Quaternary Research 50; pp. 1-11
Felisa A. Smith, Julio L. Betancourt
Antiphasing between
Rainfall in
Wallace S. Broecker, Dorothy Peteet,
Irena Hajdas, Jo Lin, Elizabeth Clark
Climatic Implications of the S5
Paleosol Complex on the Southernmost Chinese Loess Plateau. - 1998. Quaternary
Research 50; pp. 21-33
Jingtai Han, William S. Fyfe, Fred
J. Longstaffe
Late Holocene Climatic Changes in
Western Equatorial
Annie Vincens, Dominique Schwartz,
Jacques Bertaux, Hilaire Elenga, Christian de Namur
Evidence from
Eugene B. Karabanov, Alexander A.
Prokopenko, Douglas F. Williams, Steven M. Colman
Characterization and
Palaeoecological Significance of Archaeological Charcoal Assemblages during
Late and Post-Glacial Phases in
Christine Heinz, Stéphanie Thiébault
Margarita Caballero, Beatriz Ortega
Body Size Variability and a
Sangamonian Extinction Model forAmblyrhiza,a West Indian Megafaunal Rodent. -
1998. Quaternary Research 50; pp. 80-89
Donald A. McFarlane, Ross D.E.
MacPhee, Derek C. Ford
Characterization of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Tephra Layers from the
Beatriz Ortega-Guerrero, Anthony J.
All Toba Tephra Occurrences across
John A. Westgate, Philip A.R. Shane,
Nicholas J.G. Pearce, William T. Perkins, Ravi Korisettar, Craig A. Chesner,
Martin A.J. Williams, Subhrangsu K. Acharyya
Continuous Lake-Sediment
Records of Glaciation in the
Larry V. Benson, Howard M. May,
Ronald C. Antweiler, Terry I. Brinton, Michaele Kashgarian, Joseph P. Smoot,
Steve P. Lund
Evidence at
B.Brandon Curry
Numerical Ages of Holocene Tributary
Debris Fans Inferred from Dissolution Pitting on Carbonate Boulders in the
Richard Hereford, Kathryn S.
Thompson, Kelly J. Burke
Deposits and Soils of the Past
130,000 Years at the Desert–Loess Transition in
Jimin Sun, Zhongli Ding
Millennial-Scale Changes in Surface Hydrography and Terrigenous Sediment Yield
Inferred from Last-Glacial Marine Deposits off
Helge W. Arz, Jürgen Pätzold, Gerold
Hellstrom, John, Malcolm McCulloch
& John Stone - A Detailed
31,000-Year Record of Climate and Vegetation Change, from the Isotope
Geochemistry of Two New Zealand Speleothems. - 1998. Quaternary
Research 50; pp. 167-178, illustr. orig.
extract, stapled. € 3
Late Pleistocene C4Plant
Dominance and Summer Rainfall in the
Sean L. Connin, Julio Betancourt,
Jay Quade
Strontium Isotope Ages of the Marine
Merced Formation, near
B.Lynn Ingram, James C. Ingle
Radiocarbon Age Constraints on Rates
of Advance and Retreat of the Puget Lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet during
the Last Glaciation. - 1998. Quaternary Research 50; pp. 205-213
Stephen C. Porter, Terry W. Swanson
Investigation of the Bonneville Alloformation,
Joseph C. Liddicoat, Robert S. Coe
Morphology and
Weathering Trends of the
Peter M. Jacobs
Clay Minerals in Soils
as Evidence of Holocene Climatic Change, Central Indo-Gangetic Plains,
Pankaj Srivastava, Bramha Parkash,
Dilip K. Pal
Do Stable Isotope Data from Calcrete
Record Late Pleistocene Monsoonal Climate Variation in the
Julian E. Andrews, Ashok K. Singhvi,
Ansu J. Kailath, Ralph Kuhn, Paul F. Dennis, Sampat K. Tandon, Ram P. Dhir
Isotopic Fingerprints of
Paleoclimates during the Last 30,000 Years in Deep Confined Groundwaters of
Balbir Singh Sukhija, Dontireddy
Venkat Reddy, Pasupuleti Nagabhushanam
U-Series Chronology of
Lacustrine Deposits in
Teh-Lung Ku, Shangde Luo, Tim K.
Lowenstein, Jianren Li, Ronald J. Spencer
Late Quaternary
Variations in the Level of Paleo-Lake Malheur,
Daniel P. Dugas
Significance of Late Quaternary Lacustrine and Alluvial Stratigraphy,
P.Reed Krider
Anne-Marie Lézine, Jean-François
Saliège, Christian Robert, Frédéric Wertz, Marie-Louise Inizan
Holocene History of the
Hermann Behling, Henry Hooghiemstra,
Alvaro José Negret
Chevron Ridges and Runup
Deposits in the
Paul J. Hearty, A.Conrad Neumann,
Darrell S. Kaufman
Correlation of
Late-Pleistocene Lake-Level Oscillations in
Larry V. Benson, Steve P. Lund,
James W. Burdett, Michaele Kashgarian, Timothy P. Rose, Joseph P. Smoot, Martha
A Reassessment of U-Th and14C Ages
for Late-Glacial High-Frequency Hydrological Events at
Jo C. Lin, Wallace S. Broecker,
Sidney R. Hemming, Irena Hajdas, Robert F. Anderson, George I. Smith, Maxwell
Kelley, Georges Bonani
Magnetic Susceptibility and Mineral
Zonations Controlled by Provenance in Loess along the
David A. Grimley, Leon R. Follmer,
E.Donald McKay
Pleistocene Deposits in
Yves Quinif, Richard Maire
A Large
Arndt Schimmelmann, Meixun Zhao,
Colin C. Harvey, Carina B. Lange
Simulating the Holocene
Lake-Level Record of
Jüri Vassiljev, Sandy P. Harrison,
Joël Guiot
Improving Methodology for
High-Resolution Reconstruction of Sea-Level Rise and Neotectonics by
Paleoecological Analysis and AMS14C Dating of Basal Peats. - 1998. Quaternary Research 49; pp. 72-85
E. Törnqvist, Mark H.M. van Ree, Ron van 't Veer, Bas van Geel
Ostracode Geochemical
Record of Holocene Climatic Change and Implications for Vegetational Response
in the
Feng Sheng Hu, Emi Ito, Linda B.
Brubaker, Patricia M. Anderson
Celina Campbell
Differences in
Radiocarbon Age between Shell and Charcoal from a Holocene Shellmound in
B.Lynn Ingram
Cultural and Climatic
History of Cobá, a
Barbara W. Leyden, Mark Brenner,
Bruce H. Dahlin
Black Mats, Spring-Fed
Streams, and Late-Glacial-Age Recharge in the
Jay Quade, Richard M. Forester,
William L. Pratt, Claire Carter
Corrugations in Pleistocene Periglacial Landscapes of
Ben Marsh
Glacioisostasy and
Lake-Level Change at
Greg Balco, Daniel F. Belknap,
Joseph T. Kelley
North Atlantic Ice Sheet
Fluctuations 10,000–70,000 Yr Ago as Inferred from Deposits on the Reykjanes
Ridge, Southeast of Greenland. - 1998. Quaternary Research 49; pp. 171-182
Klas S. Lackschewitz, Karl-Heinz
Baumann, Bettina Gehrke, Hans-Joachim Wallrabe-Adams, Jörn Thiede, Georges
Bonani, Rudolf Endler, Helmut Erlenkeuser, Jan Heinemeier
Climatic Reconstruction
Odile Peyron, Joël Guiot, Rachid Cheddadi,
Pavel Tarasov, Maurice Reille, Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu, Sytze Bottema,
Valérie Andrieu
Palynological Evidence
of Climatic and Oceanographic Changes in the
André Rochon, Anne de Vernal,
Hans-Petter Sejrup, Haflidi Haflidason
Paleobiology of the Sand Beneath the Valders Diamicton at
Louis J. Maher Jr., Norton G.
Miller, Richard G. Baker, B.Brandon Curry, David M. Mickelson
Palynological Evidence
for Late- and Postglacial Environmental Change in
Lee A. Vierling
Absence of Last Glacial Maximum
Records in Lowland Tropical Forests
Pages 233-237
Marie-Pierre Ledru, Jacques Bertaux,
Abdelfettah Sifeddine, Kenitiro Suguio
Comparison of Late Pleistocene and
Modern Glacier Extents in
Christopher C. Duncan, Andrew J.
Klein, Jeffrey G. Masek, Bryan L. Isacks
Late Pleistocene Climatic Variations
Denis-Didier Rousseau, Ludwig
Zöller, Jean-Pierre Valet
Meltwater Discharge to
the Skagerrak–Kattegat from the
Hui Jiang, Nils-Olof Svensson,
Svante Björck
Multiple Sources for
Phil Shane, Paul Froggatt, Ian
Smith, Murray Gregory
An Exceptionally Thick
Middle Pleistocene Tephra Layer from
M. Pyle, Tjeerd H. van Andel, Panayiotis Paschos, Paul van den Bogaard
Late-Glacial Vegetation
and Climate Change in
Laurie D. Grigg, Cathy Whitlock
A 40,000-yr Pollen and Diatom
Record from
Françoise Gasse, Elise Van Campo
Changes during the Last 4000 yr in the Tigray,
Maria J. Machado, Alfredo
Pérez-González, Gerardo Benito
Measuring Late
Quaternary Ursid Diminution in the
Steve Wolverton, R.Lee Lyman
Moisture History and
Small Mammal Community Richness during the Latest Pleistocene and Holocene,
Donald K. Grayson
Hulton, N. et al. - Glacier Modeling and the Climate of
Postglacial Recession of
Keith J. Tinkler, James W. Pengelly,
Gary Asselin, William G. Parkins
Loess of the
David S. Leigh, James C. Knox
Mid-Holocene Erosion of Soil Catenas
on Moraines near the Type Pinedale Till,
Dennis E. Dahms
Variation in Soil-Catena
Characteristics of Moraines with Time and Climate,
Peter W. Birkeland
Isotopic Approach to Soil
Carbonate Dynamics and Implications for Paleoclimatic Interpretations. - 1994. Quaternary Research 42; pp. 60-71
Elise G. Pendall, Jennifer W.
Harden, Sue E. Trumbore, Oliver A. Chadwick
Uranium-Series Ages of Marine
Terrace Corals from the Pacific Coast of North America and Implications for
Last-Interglacial Sea Level History. - 1994. Quaternary Research 42; pp. 72-87
Daniel R. Muhs, George L. Kennedy,
Thomas K. Rockwell
A Preliminary
Reconstruction of Rainfall in
Malcolm K. Hughes, Wu Xiangding,
Shao Xuemei, Gregg M. Garfin
Rainfall Reconstruction
Using Wood Charcoal from Two Archaeological Sites in
Ed C. February
Geirsdóttir, A. & J. Eiriksson -
Growth of an Intermittent Ice Sheet in
Glacial Sediments and Revised Glacial Chronology,
Thomas W. Gardner, Ira D. Sasowsky,
Victor A. Schmidt
Extent and Timing of the
Last Glacial Maximum in
Daniel H. Mann, Dorothy M. Peteet
Late-Glacial and Early Holocene
Sea-Level Fluctuations in the Central
Karl Anundsen, Sally Abella, Estella
Leopold, Minze Stuiver, Sheila Turner
Identification of
Robert B. Genau, John A. Madsen,
Susan McGeary, John F. Wehmiller
Late Pleistocene Climate Record in
the Eustis Loess Section,
Denis-Didier Rousseau, George Kukla
A Holocene Paleoclimatic
and Environmental Record from
Jim Hasbargen
Continuous Holocene
Record of Diatom Stratigraphy, Paleohydrology, and Anthropogenic Activity in a
Spring-Mound in
Dean W. Blinn, Richard H. Hevly,
Owen K. Davis
Fire History and Tree
Recruitment in an Uncut
Daniel H. Mann, F.Brett Engstrom,
Jill L. Bubier
Elevational Shifts of Coleogyne
ramossissima in the
Kimberly L. Hunter, Joseph R.
Atmospheric Aerosol Loading and Transport
Due to the 1783-84 Laki Eruption in Iceland, Interpreted from Ash Particles and
Acidity in the GISP2 Ice Core. - 1994. Quaternary Research 42; pp. 231-240
R.Joseph Fiacco Jr., Thorvaldur
Thordarson, Mark S. Germani, Stephen Self, Julie M. Palais, Sallie Whitlow,
Peter M. Grootes
Tectonic Speleogenesis
of Devils Hole,
Alan C. Riggs, W.J. Carr, Peter T.
Kolesar, Ray J. Hoffman
Susan G. Zimmerman, Edward B.
Evenson, John C. Gosse, Charles P. Erskine
Relative Dating of
Terraces of the
Nicholas Pinter, Edward A. Keller,
Robert B. West
Correlation of Late Pleistocene
Glaciolacustrine and Marine Deposits by Means of Geomagnetic Secular Variation,
with Examples from
Donald L. Pair, Ernest H. Muller,
Peter W. Plumley
Two Creeks Interstade Dated through
Dendrochronology and AMS. - 1994. Quaternary Research 42; pp. 288-298
Klaus Felix Kaiser
Radiocarbon Evidence for
Rates of Lateral Expansion in Raised Mires in
Atte A. Korhola
Abrupt Climatic Changes during the
Last Glaciation Based on Pollen Analysis of the Abric
Francesc Burjachs, Ramon Julià
A Multiproxy
Investigation of Late-Glacial Climate and Vegetation Change at Pine Ridge Pond,
André J. Levesque, Les C. Cwynar,
Ian R. Walker
The Faunal Remains from
Evron Quarry in Relation to Other Lower Paleolithic Hominid Sites in the
Eitan Tchernov, Liora Kolska
Horwitz, Avraham Ronen, Adrian Lister
Assemblage Data and Bone
and Teeth Modifications as an Aid to Paleoenvironmental Interpretations of the
Open-Air Pleistocene Site of Tighenif (
Yannicke Dauphin, Casimir Kowalski,
Christiane Denys
Quantitative Refinement
of Calibrated
Glenn P. Biasi, Ray Weldon II
Unstable Behavior of the
Laurentide Ice Sheet over Deforming Sediment and Its Implications for Climate
Change. - 1994. Quaternary Research 41; pp. 19-25
Peter U. Clark
Late Quaternary (Stage 2
and 3) Meltwater and Heinrich Events,
John T. Andrews, Helmut Erlenkeuser,
Katherine Tedesco, Ali E. Aksu, A.J.Timothy Jull
Late Quaternary Records
of the Atmospheric Input of Eolian Dust to the Center of the Chinese Loess Plateau. - 1994. Quaternary Research 41; pp. 35-43
Xiaoye Zhang, Zhisheng An, Tuo Chen,
Guangyu Zhang, Richard Arimoto, Barbara J. Ray
Transport Direction of Wisconsinan
Loess in
Joseph A. Mason, Edward A. Nater,
Howard C. Hobbs
Potential of Isoleucine Epimerization in Calcite Speleothems. - 1994. Quaternary Research 41; pp. 52-58
Lauritzen, John Erik Haugen, Reidar Løvlie, Helge Gilje-Nielsen
Paleoclimatic Inferences
from a 120,000-Yr Calcite Record of Water-Table Fluctuation in Browns Room of
Devils Hole,
Barney J. Szabo, Peter T. Kolesar,
Alan C. Riggs, Issac J. Winograd, Kenneth R. Ludwig
Discriminant Function Analysis
of Glass Chemistry of
Philip A.R. Shane, Paul C. Froggatt
Evidence Suggesting That
Methods of Rock-Varnish Cation-Ratio Dating Are neither Comparable nor Consistently
Reliable. - 1994. Quaternary Research 41; pp.
Paul R. Bierman, Alan R. Gillespie
Climatic Change on the
Ramon Pèrez-Obiol, Ramon Julià
Implications of Holocene Plant Remains from the Sierra
Thomas R. Van Devender, Tony L.
Burgess, Jessie C. Piper, Raymond M. Turner
Late Quaternary Vegetation and
Climate Changes in
Lee C. Nordt, Thomas W. Boutton,
Charles T. Hallmark, Michael R. Waters
Holocene Palaeosalinity in a Maya
Javier A. Alcala-Herrera, John S.
Jacob, Maria Luisa Machain Castillo, Raymond W. Neck
Debris-Covered Glaciers
in the
Douglas H. Clark, Malcolm M. Clark,
Alan R. Gillespie
Climatic Interpretation
of Alpine Snowline Variations on Millennial Time Scales. - 1994. Quaternary Research 41; pp. 154-159
Geoffrey O. Seltzer
Soil-Geomorphic Analysis
of Late-Pleistocene Glacial Sequences in the McGee, Pine, and Bishop Creek
Margaret E. Berry
Evidence for a Large Earthquake
and Tsunami 100-400 Years Ago on Western
John J. Clague, Peter T. Bobrowsky
Is Obsidian Hydration Dating
Affected by Relative Humidity?. - 1994. Quaternary
Research 41; pp. 185-190
Irving Friedman, Fred W. Trembour,
George I. Smith, Franklin L. Smith
Soils of an Eolian
Analog of the
Leland H. Gile
Stable Isotopic Evidence
for Latest Pleistocene and Holocene Climatic Change in
John D. Humphrey, C.Reid Ferring
Radiocarbon-Dated Pollen and
Sediment Records From Near the
Paige E. Newby, Thompson Webb III
Late Quaternary Biomass Changes from
Anne-Marie Aucour, Claude
Hillaire-Marcel, Raymonde Bonnefille
Geoarchaeology and
Geochronology of the
Vance T. Holliday, C.Vance Haynes
Jr., Jack L. Hofman, David J. Meltzer
Sea-Surface Temperature
Estimates for the Tropical Western Pacific during the Last Glaciation and Their
Implications for the Pacific Warm Pool.
- 1994. Quaternary Research 41; pp. 255-264
Robert Thunell, David Anderson,
Debrorah Gellar, Qingmin Miao
Uranium-Series Ages of
Travertines and Timing of the Last Glaciation in the
Neil C. Sturchio, Kenneth L. Pierce,
Michael T. Murrell, Michael L. Sorey
Deglacial Flood Origin
of the
Donna A. Porter, Margaret J.
Correlatives, and Proposed Stratigraphic Nomenclature of Hayes Tephra Set H,
James R. Riehle
Correlation and Geochronology of Two Quaternary Loess Localities,
June E. Mirecki, Barry B. Miller
Climatic Implications of
the Late Quaternary Alluvial Record of a Small Drainage Basin in the
Alan F. Arbogast, William C. Johnson
Late Quaternary History
of Tundra Vegetation in
Patricia M. Anderson, Patrick J.
Bartlein, Linda B. Brubaker
Late Wisconsinan
Vegetation and Environment of the Tunica Hills Region,
Stephen T. Jackson, Charles R.
Holocene Paleoecology of
an Estuary on
Kenneth L. Cole, Geng-Wu Liu
Fossil Arthropods from a
Full-Glacial Site in
Donatella Foddai, Alessandro Minelli
Carnivore Diversity in
the Late Quaternary of
Tamar Dayan
A Biota Associated with Matuyama-Age
Sediments in
Barry B. Miller, Russell W. Graham,
Alan V. Morgan, Norton G. Miller, William D. McCoy, Donald F. Palmer, Alison J.
Smith, J.J. Pilny
Middle Pleistocene
Climate Change in the
David L. Wood, Anthony D. Barnosky
Paleoenvironmental Change in the Kenyan Central Rift as Indicated by
Micromammals from Enkapune Ya Muto Rockshelter.
- 1994. Quaternary Research 41; pp. 376-389
Curtis W. Marean, Nina Mudida, Kaye
E. Reed
Solar Influences on Holocene
Climatic Changes Illustrated by Correlations between Past Lake-Level
Fluctuations and the Atmospheric
Michel Magny
Toba Ash on the Indian
Subcontinent and Its Implications for Correlation of Late Pleistocene Alluvium. - 1993. Quaternary Research 40; pp. 10-19
Subhrangsu Kanta Acharyya, Prabir
Kumar Basu
Stratigraphic Context of Old Crow
Tephra, Holitna Lowland, Interior
Christopher F. Waythomas, Peter D.
Lea, Robert C. Walter
Timing of Late Quaternary
Glaciations in the
Steven L. Forman, Richard P. Smith,
William R. Hackett, Julie A. Tullis, Paul A. McDaniel
Radiocarbon Ages from
Two Submerged Strandline Features in the
Robert N. Oldale, Steven M. Colman,
Glen A. Jones
Delayed Postglacial Uplift and
Synglacial Sea Levels in Coastal
Carl Koteff, Gilpin R. Robinson,
Richard Goldsmith, Woodrow B. Thompson
Heightened North Pacific
Storminess during Synchronous Late Holocene Erosion of Northwest Alaska Beach
Ridges. - 1993. Quaternary Research 40; pp. 55-69
Owen K. Mason, James W. Jordan
Holocene Deglaciation,
Sea-Level Change, and the Emergence of the
Ian D. Goodwin
Downward Migration of
Coastal Conifers as a Response to Recent Land Emergence in
Yves Bégin, Dominique Bérubé, Martin
Macrofossil and
Tree-Ring Evidence for a Long-Term
Louise Filion, François Quinty
Late Holocene
Environmental Changes in Arid
David A. Burney
Postglacial Vegetation and
Fire History in the Chirripó Páramo of
Sally P. Horn
A Preliminary Report of
Changing Quaternary Mammal Faunas in Subalpine
Geoffrey Hope, Tim Flannery, Boeardi
Pre-Pleniglacial Biotic Change in
Arthur H. Harris
Reconstruction of
Holocene Precipitation Patterns in
Joël Guiot, Sandy P. Harrison,
I.Colin Prentice
Quaternary Glaciations
in the
Lydia E. Espizua
Stratigraphic Evidence
of a Pre-Wisconsinan Interglaciation in the
Ernest H. Muller, Les Sirkin, Jesse
L. Craft
Progressive and
Regressive Pedogenesis and Complex Soil Evolution. - 1993. Quaternary Research 40; pp. 169-176
Jonathan D. Phillips
Holocene Coral Reef
Terraces and Coseismic Uplift of
Y. Ota, J. Chappell, R. Kelley, N.
Yonekura, E. Matsumoto, T. Nishimura, J. Head
Late Holocene Sea-Level Change on
Hajime Kayanne, Teruaki Ishii, Eiji
Matsumoto, Nobuyuki Yonekura
Holocene Paleofloods of
Peter C. Patton, Geoff Pickup, David
M. Price
Pollen Response-Surface Estimates of
Late-Quaternary Changes in the Moisture Balance of the
Robert S. Webb, Katherine H.
Anderson, Thompson Webb III
Vegetation Response to
Upper Pliocene Glacial/Interglacial Cyclicity in the
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Holocene Environmental
Signals from Mollusk Assemblages in
Denis-Didier Rousseau, Nicole
Limondin, Jean-Jacques Puissegur
A Pre-Illinoian
Pleistocene Fossil Assemblage from Near
Barry B. Miller, Donald F. Palmer,
William D. McCoy, Alison J. Smith, Mona L. Colburn
Climate-Volcanism Feedback and the
Toba Eruption of ?74,000 Years Ago. - 1993. Quaternary
Research 40; pp. 269-280
Michael R. Rampino, Stephen Self
Inverse Multiparameter
Modeling of Paleoclimate Carbon Cycle Indices.
- 1993. Quaternary Research 40; pp. 281-296
C. Heinze, K. Hasselmann
Evidence for Regional
Stream Aggradation in the
Stephen F. Personius, Harvey M.
Kelsey, Paul C. Grabau
Manganese Accumulation in Rock
Varnish on a Desert
Steven L. Reneau
Missing Records and
Depositional Breaks in French Late
Michel Campy, Jean Chaline
Late Pleistocene and
Holocene Paleoenvironments of
Maria Socorro Lozano-Garc??a,
Beatriz Ortega-Guerrero, Margarita Caballero-Miranda, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi
Pollen-Derived Rainfall
and Temperature Estimates from
Annie Vincens, Françoise Chalié,
Raymonde Bonnefille, Joel Guiot, Jean-Jacques Tiercelin
A 35,000 Year Vegetation and Climate
History from
R.Scott Anderson
New Isotopic and
Sedimentological Measurements of the Thabaseek Deposits (
Phillip V. Tobias, John C. Vogel,
H.Dieter Oschadleus, Timothy C. Partridge, Jeffrey K. McKee
Hemipelagic Sediment Accumulation
Rates in the
Joachim Schönfeld, Hermann-Rudolf
Chronology Using in Situ Cosmogenic 3He in Antarctic Quartz Sandstone Boulders. - 1993. Quaternary Research 39; pp. 1-10
Edward J. Brook, Mark D. Kurz
Chronology of Taylor
Glacier Advances in
Edward J. Brook, Mark D. Kurz,
Robert P. Ackert Jr., George H. Denton, Erik T. Brown, Grant M. Raisbeck,
Francoise Yiou
Late Pleistocene
Glaciation of
Marcus I. Bursik, Alan R. Gillespie
Glacial-Lake Outburst
Erosion of the
Alan E. Kehew
Episode of Strengthened
Summer Monsoon Climate of Younger Dryas Age on the Loess
An Zhisheng, Stephen C. Porter, Zhou
Weijian, Lu Yanchou, Douglas J. Donahue, M.J. Head, Wu Xihuo, Ren Jianzhang,
Zheng Hongbo
Radiocarbon Ages of
Soils and Charcoal in Late
David W. May, Steven R. Holen
Late Quaternary
Geological History of the
Y. Yechieli, M. Magaritz, Y. Levy,
U. Weber, U. Kafri, W. Woelfli, G. Bonani
Influences of Relative
Sea-Level Rise and Mississippi River Delta Plain Evolution on the
Whitney J. Autin
Are Soil Tongues in
Kenneth M. Hinkel
Holocene Relict
Woodlands at the Eastern Canadian Treeline.
- 1993. Quaternary Research 39; pp. 84-89
Serge Payette, Claude Morneau
Late Quaternary
Environmental and Climatic Changes in
Marie-Pierre Ledru
Pollen and Macrofossils
from Wisconsinan Interstadial Sediments in
Stephen T. Jackson, Donald R.
Climatic Implications of
Macro- and Microfossil Assemblages from Late Pleistocene Deposits in
John Ogden, Rewi M. Newnham,
Jonathan G. Palmer, Richard G. Serra, Neil D. Mitchell
Age Constraints on the Duck
Ponds and Limeburner's Point Mammalian Faunas Based on Magnetic Polarity
Stratigraphy in the
Michael John Whitelaw
Subdivision of Late Pleistocene
Moraines in the Cordillera
Donald T. Rodbell
Neoglacial Glacier
Fluctuations in the Canadian
Brian H. Luckman, Gerald Holdsworth,
Gerald D. Osborn
Reinterpretation of Late
Quaternary Sediment Chronology of
Philip A. Meyers, Keiji Takemura,
Shoji Horie
Factors Affecting
Larry Benson
Jin-Qi Fang
Soil Development
Parameters in the Absence of a Chronosequence in a Glaciated Basin of the
Terry W. Swanson, Deborah L.
Elliott-Fisk, Randel J. Southard
Alluvial Soil
Chronosequence in the Inner Coastal Plain,
Jeffrey L. Howard, Dan F. Amos,
W.Lee Daniels
Packrat Midden Evidence of Late
Quaternary Vegetation Change in the
Steven A. Jennings, Deborah L.
Relations and Age of Quaternary Deposits, Northern
David P. Dethier, William D. McCoy
Spatial Variations of
Holocene Climatic Change in the
Cathy Whitlock, Patrick J. Bartlein
A Model of Pollen Source
Area for an Entire
Shinya Sugita
Implications of Peat
Accumulation at
Barry G. Warner, Richard S. Clymo,
Kimmo Tolonen
A 1000-Year Record of
Temperature and Precipitation in the
Lisa J. Graumlich
Relationship of
Temperature and Light Ring Formation at Subarctic Treeline and Implications for
Climate Reconstruction. - 1993. Quaternary
Research 39; pp. 256-262
David K. Yamaguchi, Louise Filion,
Melissa Savage
Characteristics and Possible Source
of a
R.Joseph Fiacco Jr., Julie M.
Palais, Mark S. Germani, Gregory A. Zielinski, Paul A. Mayewski
Optical Dating of
Holocene Dune Sands in the Ferris
Stephen Stokes, David R. Gaylord
AMS Radiocarbon Age of
David S. Leigh, James C. Knox
Asynchronous Droughts in
Christopher J. Earle
Pollen- and Diatom-Inferred Climatic
and Hydrological Changes in Sumxi Co Basin (
Elise Van Campo, Francoise Gasse
Late Quaternary Lacustrine
Pollen Records from
Anatoly V. Lozhkin, Patricia M.
Anderson, Wendy R. Eisner, Lilia G. Ravako, David M. Hopkins, Linda B.
Brubaker, Paul A. Colinvaux, Michael C. Miller
Pollen Evidence of
Changing Holocene Monsoon Climate in
Devry I. Jarvis
Southern Oscillation
Signal in South American Palaeoclimatic Data of the Last 7000 Years. - 1993. Quaternary Research 39; pp. 338-346
Louis Martin, Marc Fournier,
Philippe Mourguiart, Abdelfatah Sifeddine, Bruno Turcq, Jean-Marie Flexor,
Maria Lucia Absy
Stick-Nest Rat Middens
as Sources of Paleoecological Data in Australian Deserts. - 1993. Quaternary Research 39; pp. 347-354
Stuart Pearson, John R. Dodson
Ages for the Younger Dryas Event in Atlantic
Francis E. Mayle, André J. Levesque,
Les C. Cwynar
A Vegetation History of
the Far North of
Rewi Newnham, John Ogden,
North American Pika
(Ochotona princeps) as a Late Quaternary Biogeographic Indicator Species. - 1993. Quaternary Research 39; pp. 373-380
David J. Hafner
Late Pleistocene
Vertebrates and Other Fossils from Epiguruk,
Thomas D. Hamilton, Gall M. Ashley,
Katherine M. Reed, Charles E. Schweger
Measurement of
Significant Marine Paleotemperature Variation Using Black Abalone Shells from
Prehistoric Middens. - 1993. Quaternary
Research 39; pp. 390-394
Jeanne E. Arnold, Brian N. Tissot
Paleohydrologic regimes in the
George I. Smith
A 10,000 yr B.P.
extensive ice shelf over
Douglas A. Hodgson, Jean-Serge
Andel, Tjeerd H. van & Nikolaos
Lianos - High-resolution seismic
reflection profiles for the reconstruction of postglacial transgressive
shorelines: An example from
Periodic jökulhlaups
from Pleistocene glacial
Richard B. Waitt Jr.
Holocene sea-level changes along the
Stephen C. Porter, Minze Stuiver,
Calvin J. Heusser
Pollen analysis of the
1973 ice core from
John H. McAndrews
Late-glacial-Holocene climate of the
lake district of Chile. - 1984. Quaternary Research 22; pp. 77-90
Calvin J. Heusser
Stratigraphic evidence of human
disturbance in an estuary. - 1984. Quaternary Research 22; pp. 91-108
Grace S. Brush, Frank W. Davis
Interlaboratory comparison of amino
acid enantiomeric ratios in fossil Pleistocene mollusks. - 1984. Quaternary
Research 22; pp. 109-120
John F. Wehmiller
Robin F. Boyd, David L. Clark, Glenn
Jones, W.F. Ruddiman, A. McIntyre, N.G. Pisias
Buried trees, water table fluctuations, and 3000 years
of changing climate in west-central
Pages 129-133
Stephen A. Hall, Christopher Lintz
Comments on “Terrace stratigraphy in the Tunica Hills
Pages 134-137
Ervin G. Otvos
Tunica Hills revisited: A reply
Pages 138-139
John J. Alford, Joseph C. Holmes
Comments on Spaulding's report on overkill
Pages 140-141
Julian D. Hayden
Reply to comments by Hayden
Pages 142-143
W.Geoffrey Spaulding
Comments on “Speleothems, travertines, and
paleoclimates” by G. J. Hennig, R. Grün, and K. Brunnacker
Pages 144-147
D. Gordon, P.L. Smart
Reply to Gordon and Smart on “Speleothems,
travertines, and paleoclimates
Pages 148-149
G.J. Hennig,
R. Grün, K. Brunnacker
Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 155-274
(September 1984)
Analysis and Interpretation in Pleistocene Archaeology
the definition of criteria for the recognition of artificial bone alterations
E. Morlan
ice as a taphonomic agent: An alternative hypothesis for bone “artifacts”
M. Thorson, R. Dale Guthrie
on elephant mortality and bones in water holes
Conybeare, Gary Haynes
and environment in taphonomic analysis: Examples from
On the
possible utilization of Camelops by early man in
Haynes, Dennis Stanford
evidence for middle-Wisconsin peopling of Beringia: An evaluation
Nivation landforms in
the western
John C. Dohrenwend
Outburst floods from glacial
G.K.C. Clarke, W.H. Mathews, R.T.
Dating Quaternary fault scarps
formed in alluvium using morphologic parameters. - 1984. Quaternary Research
22; pp. 300-313
Larry Mayer
Mapping of glacial landforms from
Seasat radar images. - 1984. Quaternary Research 22; pp. 314-327
J.P. Ford
Isotopic evidence for glacial
meltwater recharge to the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer, north-central
D.I. Siegel, R.J. Mandle
Vera Markgraf, J.Platt Bradbury,
R.M. Forester, G. Singh, R.S. Sternberg
Biogeographic implications of a
packrat midden sequence from the
Thomas R. Van Devender, Julio L.
Betancourt, Mark Wimberly
Holocene climatic change in the
P.J. Bartlein, T. Webb III, E. Fleri
Fungal remains in Pleistocene ground
squirrel dung from
Kris A. Pirozynski, Adrian Carter,
Richard G. Day
High resolution isotope study of the
latest deglaciation based on Bermuda Rise cores
Pages 383-386
L.D. Keigwin, B.H. Corliss, E.R.M.
Druffel, E.P. Laine
Oxygen-isotope analyses and
Pleistocene ice volumes. - 1984. Quaternary Research 21; pp. 1-20
Alan C. Mix, William F. Ruddiman
Pleistocene glaciation
of volcano Ajusco, central
Sidney E. White, Salvatore Valastro
The age of glacier
peak tephra in west-central
Peter J. Mehringer Jr., John C.
Sheppard, Franklin F. Foit Jr.
Deglaciation and
postglacial timberline in the
P.E. Carrara, W.N. Mode, Meyer
Rubin, S.W. Robinson
Packrat middens from Canyon de Chelly,
Julio L. Betancourt, Owen K. Davis
Distribution of an arctic ostracod
fauna in space and time. - 1984. Quaternary Research 21; pp. 65-73
Delorme, S.C. Zoltai
New faunal and isotopic
evidence on the late Weichselian—Holocene oceanographic changes in the
Hans Petter Sejrup, Eystein Jansen,
Helmut Erlenkeuser, Hans Holtedahl
A Younger Dryas Ash Bed in western
Jan Mangerud, Sven Erik Lie, Harald
Furnes, Inger Lise Kristiansen, Leif Lømo
Atmospheric circulation patterns
during glacial inception: A possible candidate
Pages 105-110
Thomas J. Crowley
Paleoenvironmental implications of
the Quaternary distribution of the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) in
Pages 111-114
Russell W. Graham
Comment on “age, palaeoenvironments,
and climatic significance of late
Pages 115-116
Ann P. El-Moslimany
Reply to comments by Ann P.
Pages 117-120
Neil Roberts
W.F. et al. (CLIMAP Project) - The last interglacial ocean. - 1984. Spec. iss. Quaternary Research
21-2; pp. 123-224, 63 fig. Includes two related papers see below). In complete
journal issue, very good. € 15
Includes also:
Pages 225-243
Jean-Claude Duplessy, Nicholas J.
Shackleton, Robley K. Matthews, Warren Prell, William F. Ruddiman, Michèle
Caralp, Chris H. Hendy
A comparison of radiolarian and
foraminiferal paleoecology in the
Pages 244-263
William R. Howard, Warren L. Prell
Begin, Z.B. & S.A. Schumm - Gradational thresholds and landform
singularity: Significance for Quaternary studies. - 1984. Quaternary Research 21; pp. 267-274, illustr. Orig. extract. € 3
Late glacial and late
Holocene moraines in the Cerros Cuchpanga, central
H.E. Wright Jr.
Glacial chronology of the Ruby
Mountains-East Humboldt Range, Nevada. - 1984. Quaternary
Research 21; pp. 286-303, illustr. Orig. extract.
€ 4
William J. Wayne
Tephrochronology of late
James E. Beget
Sea-level data for parts of the Bering-Chukchi shelves of Beringia from 19,000
to 10,000
Dean A. McManus, Joe S. Creager
Corry bog,
P.F. Karrow, B.G. Warner, P. Fritz
Geology and paleoecology
of a mid-Wisconsin peat from the
Barry G. Warner, John J. Clague,
Rolf W. Mathewes
Curtis M. Hudak - Paleoecology of an
early Holocene faunal and floral assemblage from the Dows Local Biota of
Campbell Jr., K.E. &
D. Frailey - Holocene flooding and
species diversity in southwestern
Cushing, J. et al. - Fossil mammoths from
Muerdter, D.R. et al. - Late Quaternary sapropel sediments in the
Steen-McIntyre, V. et
al. - Geologic evidence for age of
deposits at Hueyatlaco archeological site,
Colinvaux, P. - Historical ecology in Beringia: The south land bridge coast at
Friedman, I. & J. Obradovich - Obsidian hydration dating of volcanic
events. - 1981. Quaternary Research 16; pp. 37-47, illustr. Stapled
extract. € 3
Genes, A.N. et al. - Late Wisconsinan glaciation models of
Plant and insect fossils at Norwood in
south-central Minnesota: A record of late-glacial succession. - 1981.
Quaternary Research 16; pp. 66-79
Allan C. Ashworth, Donald P.
Schwert, William A. Watts, H.E. Wright Jr.
The selection of sites for
paleovegetational studies. - 1981. Quaternary Research 16; pp. 80-96
G.L. Jacobson Jr., R.H.W. Bradshaw
Late quaternary history
James T. Teller, William M. Last
The mode and mechanism of the last
deglaciation: Oceanic evidence. - 1981. Quaternary Research 16; pp. 125-134
W.F. Ruddiman, A. McIntyre
Holocene variations of monsoon
rainfall in Rajasthan. - 1981. Quaternary Research 16; pp. 135-145
R.A. Bryson, A.M. Swain
Williams, N.E. et al. - Invertebrate fossils (Insecta: Trichoptera,
Diptera, Coleoptera) from the Pleistocene
Weber, F.R. et al. - Canyon Creek: A late Pleistocene vertebrate
locality in interior
Talbot, M.R. - Holocene changes in tropical wind intensity and rainfall: Evidence from
Barnosky, C.W. - A record of late Quaternary vegetation from
Martz, A.M. - Chemistry and mineralogy of some Plio-Pleistocene tuffs from the
Shungura Formation, southwest
Porter, S.C. - Pleistocene glaciation in the southern
Heusser, C.J. - Palynology of the last interglacial-glacial cycle in midlatitudes of
Birks, H.J.B. - Late Wisconsin vegetational and climatic history at
Recent sediment flux and erosional
processes in a Welsh upland lake-catchment based on magnetic susceptibility
measurements. - 1981. Quaternary Research 16; pp. 356-372
John A. Dearing, Janet K. Elner,
Christine M. Happey-Wood
Eigenvector analysis of
reconstructed Holocene July temperature departures over northern
John T. Andrews, Henry F. Diaz
significance of lake-level fluctuations in the
L.V. Benson
Interstadial proboscidean from
Robert M. Thorson, E.James Dixon
Jr., George S. Smith, Alan R. Batten
Causes of Antarctic glaciation in
the Cenozoic. - 1981. Quaternary Research 15; pp. 1-17
D.D. Kvasov, M.Ya. Verbitsky
Marine Plio-Pleistocene
Y.B. Gladenkov
Ephemeral-stream processes:
Implications for studies of quaternary valley fills. - 1981. Quaternary
Research 15; pp. 24-43
Peter C. Patton,
The sedimentary
framework of the southern basin of
D.R. Hutchinson, W.M. Ferrebee, H.J.
Knebel, R.J. Wold, Y.W. Isachsen
Late quaternary
floodplain sedimentation along the Pomme de Terre River, southern
G.Robert Brakenridge
Modeling of pleistocene European ice
sheets: Some experiments with simple mass-balance parameterizations. - 1981.
Quaternary Research 15; pp. 77-85
J. Oerlemans
Contribution de l'étude exoscopique
des quartz à la reconstitution paléogéographique des derniers épisodes du
Quaternaire littoral du Congo. - 1981. Quaternary Research 15; pp. 86-100
Pierre Giresse, Loïc le Ribault
Vegetation east of the rocky
mountains 18,000 years ago. - 1981. Quaternary Research 15; pp. 113-125
H.E. Wright Jr.
A paleoclimate model of Northern
Hemisphere ice sheets. - 1981. Quaternary Research 15; pp. 126-142
G.E. Birchfield, Johannes Weertman,
Albert T. Lunde
Quantitative estimates of
temperature changes over the last 2700 years in
J.Christopher Bernabo
Pollen and oxygen
isotope analyses on late- and post-glacial sediments of the Tourbière de
Chirens (
U. Eicher, U. Siegenthaler, S.
Periglacial wedges and
the late Pleistocene environment of
Brainerd Mears Jr.
Emergent littoral
deposits in the eastern
Joaquin Meco, Charles E. Stearns
Dated wood from
D.M. Hopkins, P.A. Smith, J.V.
Matthews Jr.
Rock-weathering rates as functions
of time. - 1981. Quaternary Research 15; pp. 250-264
Steven M. Colman
Time series and postglacial forest
ecology. - 1981. Quaternary Research 15; pp. 265-277
David G. Green
Late Pleistocene piñon pines in the
Ronald M. Lanner, Thomas R. Van
The northern limits of glacial
Richard P. Futyma
The last 30,000 years of faunal
history within the
Jim I. Mead
Holocene alluvial
stratigraphy in the upper
Richard W. Scully, Richard W. Arnold
Late Quaternary evolution of coastal
sand Barriers, Port Stephens-Myall Lakes Area, central New South Wales,
Australia. - 1981. Quaternary Research 15; pp. 345-364
B.G. Thom, G.M. Bowman, P.S. Roy